construction done now coffee
Im beat, but well fed the last week working on the construction project with the group from Pine River MN.. All went well, we were extremely well/fed to the point where Im getting heavier now and have something to work off while Im doing quite a bit of walking in the mtns. now..
We put up columns and poured a massive amount of cement in one day to make a cement roof which took tons of prep work to prevent it from all falling down..On the last work day we started at 6 am and mixed alot of cement by hand and some by cement mixer which didnt work most of the time..With only a few small glitches about 35 people poured and mixed 10 yards of cement, pretty much all by hand, shovel, bucket, and wheelbarrow and chain of people bringing it 10 feet in the air to get to the roof..
I went to the Capital, Tegucigalpa to send off the crew on the airplane, while their I stayed at a very nice WGM guesthouse which was nice and had hot water for the first time in 2 weeks..NICE!!! I even spent some time in the not/so/nice central park and bought some junk..
While their we went to the best well/known steak house where I ordered the massive filet mignon, it must have been over a pound.. I almost died in the process when Joel made me laugh and I swallowed a big chunk of meat... So Im sitting hear dying and pointing to Spencer to hit me in the back, finally he did, Thank God!!!And out flew the piece that had completing stopped my breathing process. Nobody finished the same size steak as I did, so I was pumped then they gave me about 16oz to take home, which I ate for lunch...Man it was great!!!!!!!!
Im now in Siguatepeque visiting some coffee fincas and we are about to start an organic certification process which would greatly help the farmers and the local ecology...Well, Thats all for now...Got another big day tomorrow up in the beautiful highlands..
Wish yall cu'd be hear..!!!
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