Picture of my host mom and cook.
The last week I have been traveling-working like a bandito as I now am temporarily in charge of purchasing thousands of pounds of coffee, processing it, and with help of Growers First pay a higher price for their coffee than all the other buyers.
The coffee market is difficult, as market demands and futures prices play a huge role in the actual price. I have been hiking, sitting on buses, driving, you name it.. It has been raining like crazy so are biggest problem is quality, we were blessed enough to find a facility in a dry town where we will start trucking coffee from the cloud fores areas to dry coffee.
I have been blessed with another infestation of deer ticks, which afte 4 days am still finding some. Yesterday I found one in my toes, dumped some cane sugar alcohol on it to disinfect and then brilliant me, took a match and burnt the tick, well I was NOT thinking the alcohol would burn, so I have a nice burnt foot now.... well .... Im heading out tonight at midnight to travel to the coast 5 hrs, where I will drive a 3 ton truck into the muddy, dangerous, nasty jungle roads to the coffee towns-7hrs, then back on monday.. so pray for traveling safety